Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 7 creating videos using ipod nano

Today was a blast! We got to play with video on the ipod nano and create a short video story sequence designed to help a student with Autism. It was practise for tomorrow's assignment in which the various groups will design video stories that will be more indepth with the goal to help a student with a disability complet a task. My group got the rough draft of tomorrow's project done today. More discussin later in the day led us to the conclusion that it needed to be pared down from 30 clips. It is now 13 so i think we are in great shape for tomorrow morning technology willing. It is normal to experience some technical glitches but when you have a cooperative learning community it really helps. Thanks to all of the people in the class who are willing to give short tutorials and quick tips when needed. When learning new skills it is imperative that cooperation be part of the equation. Cooperation is my Key for today.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your Keys Carl! Thanks and I'm so glad that you are enjoying learning about AT so much
